Dec 12, 2007


Behold the fourth annual Woodland Park Christmas Tree! We love going up to the mountains to hunt for the perfect tree that will help us celebrate the season! Every year this tradition seems to get a little easier, the kids are bigger, this year there was hardly any snow to worry about, and it only took all of 20 minutes to spot the right one!

I of course left the camera in the car, so the actual cutting it down wasn't documented, but I'll just tell you that it is always fun to hear the Evelo family yell "TIMBER" as loud as we can! This is a Spruce tree, therefore it is quite a bit more prickly than your fir trees (I know this because my husband is a tree specialist) So hauling it back to the van was a treat! I was in the middle with all the branches around my head, I put up my hood so that my eyes wouldn't get poked out. Andrew was on the back end, and Rick was up front, at some points in our travels, I swear I was carrying that thing on my shoulder all by myself!!!! Rick was also supposed to navigate where the tree stumps were so that Drew and I wouldn't trip, he only let me down once, so picture me falling with a pokey tree on my shoulders, not pretty! Needless to say, Rick was reminded ever so gently that he had to let me know about things that could potentially break my ankles!

We made it home and I started wrapping the 1100 lights the next morning so that we could put the ornaments up when dad came home! We always love to look at the old ornaments from years ago, the kids get so giddy when their ornaments say the year they were born or remember when they made a certain one, every year Santa brings them a new ornament that they can hang on the tree, it is something they always look forward to. Our traditions get more important every year, we love sharing this time together as a family and as our children grow we truely appreciate it more!


Barry and Shannon said...

Great family tradition. I actually saw you guys turning onto your street with the tree on top of your car that night when you returned. I was on my way to the church. I honked and waved but you ignored me. I can hear you "gently" reminding Rick that he needed to warn you. It was probably as "gently" as I would've reminded Barry!!! Great tree!

Lucy said...

What a humongous tree! And a great tradition.

I'm glad you updated. Your family is so good looking!

Allison said...

I wish there was somewhere to cut a tree down around here. You would think with all of teh trees in Utha we could just go cut one down, not so. The closet place to go is like a two hour drive or so. We bought an artifical one a few years ago but it isn't the same. In fact Amy gave me a really hard time when I told her we had one, she thinks it just isn't Christmas without a real tree and I tend to agree. Oh well, at least we feel like we have the Chritmas spirit.