Jan 29, 2008

Blueberry Bliss

Our local Grocery store was having
a blueberry sale this last week. So because of my recent (as of Jan. 1) diet restrictions (i.e. sugar, anything I love) I went and bought $20 worth of berries! I love them, they are so yummy to eat straight out of the package (rinsed of course) or in muffins (not really on the diet unless made with whole wheat flour and Splenda sugar) or in cereal (which I don't really eat because I can't stand milk) So anyway, you get the point! I am on a fruit kick.


Allison said...

I tried the no sugar thing for two weeks before Thanksgiving and ended up gaining four pounds because I subbed carbs or seconds of dinner for no treats, hope it works better for you. Are you still running quite a bit as well?

Lucy said...

Why are you doing this? You look perfect? But fruit is always good.

Lucy said...

And, of course the looking perfect part wasn't meant to be a question. You look perfect! Exclamation point! Damn it!