Nov 25, 2008

"you need sugar to be healthy" Tyler Evelo

So last week before the flu hit my happy, healthy home, Tyler decides to join me while I'm doing Pilates. He is so funny, and coordinated I might add, he asks me to pause the DVD, so I did. When he returns he has a hand full of candy. I ask him why he has so much candy at 8:30 in the morning, to which he matter of factly replies< "because you need sugar to be healthy". Well ok then, apparently his older siblings have told him that sugar gives you energy, and so before Tyler exercises, he needs to have a healthy dose of SUGAR!


Stacie and Darren said...

That's hilarious. He must be right :)I like that he does pilates with you, I have exercise companions too when I do pilates.

Lucy said...

I bought pilates videos once, did them once, and them sold them on EBAY about three years later. You have to be IN SHAPE to do that 100! Looks like you are:)

Tyler is fit!

Allison said...

Wow, talk about dedication! You and Tyler teh Pilates champions. Pilates kicks my butt! I would have to agree with Tyler on the sugar thing. I feel and act a whole lot better when I consume it on a regular basis, not sure about look better though.