Nov 27, 2007

Bronco Fever

Yes, we were this close!
Go Broncos!

This is a little outdated now, but I just had to post about our Monday night football experience!

Rick acquired tickets from a friend in the turf business (don't ask, all I know is they were free).

So I was honored when he actually asked if I wanted to go, I've never been a huge Bronco's fan but I promised to be on my best behavior and not whine about the weather or that I was hungry! (sounds like the talk I give my kids before taking them places) Hee

Anyway, we had a great time, the seats were by the North endzone about 8 rows up. I have to say that I enjoyed the game way more up close and in person, the crowd is crazy and the game is just so much more interesting! I loved watching the cheerleaders and yelling IN-COM-PLETE, can you tell I am easily entertained! Best of all, the Bronco's actually won!!!


Barry and Shannon said...

Looks like fun. That's one thing that we've yet to do since Barry is busy with his own team. I'll have to show Jared. He'll be super jealous. He's suddenly a Broncos fan!