Feb 7, 2008

Crafty Tyler

Tyler sometimes gets a little bored on the days he doesn't have preschool. So this morning after he had watched me exercise and do the dishes and vacuum and fold laundry... I started to feel guilty that this was the norm for him on his off days. I pulled out this fun new Family magazine my mom subscribed us to and flipped through to find a project that would be fun for him. He chose these great little cell phone valentine cards to make for his class. He was insistant on cutting and glueing all by himself, I was surprised at the care he took in getting the lines straight. They turned out cute and now one set of V-day cards are finished!!!!


Lucy said...

Well, hello, martha. Wow. I'm impressed. By all of it. Even the exercise, dishes, vacuuming and laundry. You are my idol.