Aug 13, 2008

Tylers big day!

Tyler is officially a Kindergartner as of yesterday afternoon! He finally had his first day, he couldn't wait to be at the same school as the other kids! His teacher is Mrs. Orinack and Tyler thinks she is nice. He said his favorite part of the day was recess!

This was how exhausting Kindergarten must be! We had only been home for about 30 minutes when I found Tyler on the couch with his snack fast asleep!

I did get a little choked up as I was leaving him at the school, I will miss my little buddy for the three hours he is there, but I know he is so ready for all the fun and learning that I just can't offer him!


Angie said...

How funny, he's all tuckered out! They must really work those Kindergarters. :)

No worries Jill, I know I will probably be emotional the day Cassidy leaves me for school.

Allison said...

That is adorable! I hope Zack doesn't get that tired as he is there all day. :) I am sure I will shed a tear or two the day I send Zack to school the first time. It will so crazy to have both of my kiddos gone all day! Soap operas and Bon Bons here I come! :)