Aug 17, 2008

Well, the weekend is almost over already!

Friday night our friend from Arizona flew in to spend the weekend with us, but mostly to go the Broncos/Cowboys preseason football game. It has been fun catching up with Paul, he is a flight attendant so he gets to travel when and where he desires!

So, since Rick and Paul were going to go golfing and to the game on Sat. I decided to make it a fun day with the kids. I finally took them school shoe shopping, they were so appalled that they didn't have brand new shoes on the first day of school. I promised them that nobody would notice what shoes they were wearing, and it was still nice, so they could were flip flops still. Anyway, we went to Famous footwear and spent enough to keep them in business for a few more years! I don't know how large families keep their children fed and clothed, if we had any more kids, they would definately be naked and hungry!
Then we were off to the movies, we saw the new Mummy movie, it was ok, the kids loved it so that is all that counts. When that only took until about dinner time, we went home and just hung out and played games and listened to the neverending rain. I had a huge headache, probably from the movie, so it was nice to just veg!

Rick and Paul just took the kids to Garden of the Gods and the Air Force Academy, so I have some time to myself! Tomorrow is already a day off of school for Tyler and Madelynn, so that means I am babysitting the neighbor boys as well, hopefully it is nice enough for them to be outside all day! I hope you had a fabulous weekend and stay tuned for more of nothing real exciting on our end!