Aug 21, 2007

My New Favorite Thing.....Vampires!

Yvette, me and Kadi
She wouldn't pose w/people, so I had to improvise a quick picture and try and juggle the 5 books I was getting signed for myself and friends.

Last night was the book signing for Eclipse! My friend Kadi introduced me to the Stephenie Meyer books a few months ago and I could not get enough! So when we heard she was coming to Denver to promote her latest book, we immediately bought tickets! She answered a lot of questions and talked a lot about how she came up with the story, which you can read about on her website! She also mentioned that the fourth book should be out in about a year, I don't know how I can wait that long. She has a new book coming out that has nothing to do with Vampires, I think it is called The Host? We had an amazing night although we felt a little old in the crowd of teenage girls.
Afterwards we had a fun dinner at a place that is supposed to be as good as Cafe Rio in Utah (I don't know if it was or not, but I really enjoyed my salad). If any of you need a good book to read, I highly recommend this series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse)! I even have my mom hooked!
Well I better wrap it up, my kids have today off for reading assesment. I think we will go swimming since it will probably be the last time for them to get to go. Have a great day everyone!


Lucy said...

I don't want to seem like a freakish stalker by always being the first to comment but I do want to let others know that is perfectly allright, even desired, to leave comments. Especially a fellow vampire lover!

I did enjoy these books and think it's awesome that you went to "meet" the author. What a great lady's night out.

I miss you! I'm so glad you are back to blogging and it was fun to see your words on my comments. Very, very comforting.

jenny said...

I was sucked in by your entry. I too read the series and really enjoyed them. How fun to have a signed version.

(I am a friend of Lucy's)