Sep 15, 2007

8 Random Things

I was tagged by my bosom buddy Lucy, here are some things people might not know about me because they are so Random!

1: I love free things. Although I don't consider myself to be cheap, I love when I am given something and gives me and my family joy for absolutely nothing out of my pocket!
For instance we were able to get free tickets to the Air Force/TCU game on Thursday night. Not only were the tickets free, but we got to partake in the pre-game tailgate party put on by the Coors distributers that gave us the tickets. So we get to go to the game, eat wings and ribs and steak and mashed potatoes and have drinks....FOR FREE!

2. I love spending time with my family. It seems as though this time is getting overshadowed by to many other things. My kids are getting too big, too fast and I just want to hold onto them and cherish every day! When we are all together is when I am the happiest!

3. I love this country, this month has been a really good time for me to sit back and ponder the freedoms I have and how much I am able to do just by living in the U.S.A.! I frequently take this for granted!

4. This may contradict #2 (but you moms with relate!): I love to have "me" time! This year I have three days a week that I have 2 1/2 hours of alone time, I try very hard to use that time with whatever I want to do; whether it be volunteer at school, workout, shop, eat, meet a friend, take a nap, or read a book. Everyone needs their "me" time!

5. I have never been stung by a bee~

6. When asked by one of my family: "Where is my ....."? I can 9 out of 10 times go to my mental file of where I last saw it or where I put it away! But recently Madelynn lost her recorder that she needs for music class at school. It has been killing me that it has been a week and we still haven't found it!

7. Sunshine is a staple to my well being!

8. One of my favorite past times is laughing, If you could hire a funny person to make you laugh during the day, I would!

I don't know who will respond, but I tag:






Lucy said...

Thanks for doing the tag! You're the best and I love you!

I have the mental detector gift as well. Usually, I just need to really think about it and can tell the boys or Jay where something they can't find is. Funny.

The Air Force/TCU game sounds fun. BYU is playing Air Force this weekend for Homecoming and we are going down, getting a hotel room and doing the whole "Homecoming" Alumni festivity. I'm excited. But, of course, none of it is free. :)