Sep 25, 2007

My Baby is Five!

Tyler and pals Landon, Jett and Dillon at Chick Fil A
Waiting for just the right second to blow those 5 candles out!!!

I can't believe my Tyler is 5! He is such a joy in our family. He had quite the busy Birthday, even though mom's original plan was supposed to be low key! (My friend actually kind of put together the little party for him at Chick fil A. When she heard I wasn't going to do a party this year she thought Tyler should have something! Sooo Nice)

Tyler woke up bright and early, we sang to him and he ate breakfast, then off to Target to spend his Birthday money! Then we met friends at "the chicken place" Tyler calls it for an early lunch. Then off to preschool, Andrew and Madelynn had the day off from school, but Tyler is on a different schedule, so he still went, mostly because he had to take Birthday treats and he knew Miss Amy would have a special surprise for him! Then a few hours later we were off to soccer and then home to have a pizza party with Grandma and Grandpa! Then off to bed, he is usually the last one to sleep, but after his day in the limelight, he was out pretty fast!

Tyler is one of a kind! One of Rick's cousins that we saw in Denver last weekend described Tyler as "the prize that we got from an expired box of Cracker Jacks"!??? Now I know Tyler is always rarin' to go and looking for the next crazy thing to do or say, but I wouldn't trade that for the world! We love you Tyler man!


Lucy said...

Happy Birthday Tyler! I can't believe he's five either. Wow...your family is growing up!

Barry and Shannon said...

Way cool Jill! I'm so happy to see that you blog too! I love it. Cute cute!

seanandkadi said...

so I finally got the new link to your blog. It looks so cute! cute pics of Tyler on his b-day.