Posted by Jill at 8:54 AM 3 comments
Our neighbor is a High School wrestling coach, and he has mentioned that Drew and Tyler would be great wrestlers, and that they should do this wrestling clinic he puts on. I thought that would be fun for them to do, nothing major, not a lot of commitment, just a couple of months of getting to know about the sport. Well then came the tournaments, and it was a whole different feeling! The boys wanted to do it so bad, so we took them and when we walked in the gym we saw all these boys in their singlets and headgear and special shoes, they all looked like they had been born and bread for this sport and nothing else. Then there was Drew and Tyler and a few other boys that were in their group "The Stingers", with their long shorts and T-shirts and tennis shoes, and I felt a little like the mother of Nacho Libre! So we wait for a couple hours for the thing to even start and the boys are just sitting there watching all of these "professionals" practice and I know their nerves were going crazy! Once the tournament started, Andrew did great on his first go round, he didn't win, but he felt so much more confident after he had one under his belt. Tyler kinda froze and forgot all the moves he had been learning, so he was just trying to stay off his back the whole time. Andrew did so much better the second time, but lost by two points. Tyler, after a little coaching in between rounds, ended up taking second place in his weight group. I ended up really getting into it, but wow were we all physically and mentally exhausted by the time we got home!
Posted by Jill at 7:42 AM 0 comments
Posted by Jill at 7:36 AM 0 comments
Finally, a picture of Tyler in his new glasses. He always has to be silly!
Posted by Jill at 11:30 AM 2 comments
So today I am cleansing.
I have been doing Isagenix for a little over a month now, I have lost about 8 pounds, but to truely get the effects of the program, you should cleanse at least every 9 days. Well I have only done it 2 times. It is so hard to find a day that works for me, the first time I did the cleanse I was so set on doing it 100% that I took a really long walk (Bad Idea) to get my mind off the task at hand! Well needless to say, I am staying home this time, I have a headache, my stomach is growling, and I have no motivation to do the 50 things I should be doing around the house. Sounds like fun, right!? Well I guess when I wake up tomorrow morning and step on the scale, I will feel triumph over my hunger pains! I just hope tomorrow comes soon!
Well back to my online shopping~ I have to admit this does make me feel better! When the packages start coming, I will truely be able to tell Rick I was not in my right mind when I was purchasing these adorable sandals!
Posted by Jill at 1:29 PM 5 comments
So I have been away for awhile, but I haven't been doing anything that merits a grand posting on my blog!
So I'll just let you all know that we are still alive, we have just been going about our daily lives.
Tyler has some news, he recently added glasses to his charm and good looks! He loves them, and has adjusted well, he has to also sport a patch for a few hours a day. I haven't downloaded my picture of his new look yet, but hopefully soon!
Madelynn has been working really hard at school, she joined choir, and is as social as ever! What else can I say about my little sweetheart, she is easy and fun to have around!
Andrew has been enjoying the down time he has had since basketball is over. He is going to run the Bolder Boulder with Rick and I in May, so he is getting psyched up to start training for that. He gets to sport new braces this summer, so hopefully acne won't follow! (as a mom, I vow never to let the "awkward stage"of adolescents get the best of my children)
As for Rick, he has been the GM as well as the Superintendent for 7 months now, and is doing an amazing job of cutting costs way down and proving to the owner that the course is still worth his investment! I complain about the never ending work, but he reminds me that at least he is fortunate to still have a great job! So I am anxiously awaiting summer, at least when we are golfing, and swimming, we will be that much closer to dad! (if anyone needs a place to swim this summer, memberships are at an all time low)
I am chugging along with my daily duties. I have been reading the Fablehaven books, I have been exercising 5 days a week to get in shape for the summer and be able to keep up with my son in the 10K, I have been helping Tyler learn to read, I have been painting and redecorating my house.
That is just a quick update, sorry no pictures!
Posted by Jill at 7:45 AM 2 comments
This last week of vacation has been full of play dates, sleepovers, more movies, lots more food, and cleaning up the Christmas decor (I love it)!!
New Years day was spent with dad at the golf course. Now that Rick is the main man out there, he has way too much responsibility (he loves it though)! We helped him pick the driving range, we were there just long enough to get some golfers out on the course and make a few bucks for the big man! Then we were off to see Bedtime Stories at the theater.
New Years Eve we played lots of games, our new one is called Sorry Sliders!
This is one of my new rugs that I got for Christmas, next comes paint and accessories! I'll do before and after pics!
I hope everyone had a great Holiday, and I hope you all have a very prosperous 2009~ good luck with all your resolutions, as soon as all the chocolate is gone in the house, I should be well on my way with one of mine!
Posted by Jill at 5:47 PM 1 comments
Posted by Jill at 12:06 PM 3 comments